Monday, May 7, 2018

Going Vegetarian to Be Like Beyonce?

"Life is an adventurous maze."
Beyonce has a certain "je ne sais quoi," which makes people to wonder if her popularity is based on the vital aliveness of her dance moves, her long and thick hair that's forever blowing in the wind, her curvaceous coca-cola figure that she enjoys flaunting, her high stamina during all performances, or could it be the level of relatability she has among her fans. That "something special" Beyonce has, has subsequently lead some meat eaters oomnivores to wonder if they could also look and feel like her, by subscribing to her newly launched vegan app. and becoming a vegan too. After spending the past 20 years as a vegetarian and a vegan I believe that I can provide insight. 

Beyonce's newly released "22 Day Nutrition" app. appeals best to those in a state of transition. So it could become a useful tool when gaining an entry point into a vegetarian lifestyle or it could motivate people whom are finding vegetarianism difficult to maintain--so like an egg in an incubator Beyonce's app. helps to ensure that the egg doesn't break, among those newly proclaimed vegetarians. So once vegetarianism is maintained, could this diet help people to look and feel as good as Beyonce looks and feels on stage? 

I must say that if the answer to looking good and feeling good was found in a $100 subscription, which is the annual fee for Beyonce’s new 22 Day Nutrition app., then we would no longer have diseases like obesity or plastic surgeries like liposuction. The meat of this issue is that unfortunately the genie does not exist in reality, and so the issues ailing you will not be cured by the sudden nodding of her head. In other words, vegetarianism is not simply a food choice to embark upon to look better and feel better, but just like hip-hop, it comes with a lifestyle, one that involves a gigantic mental shift and a subsequent behavioral change, the behavioral change without the mental shift leaves one half steppin' and vulnerable to cracking up in the incubator. 

Some of the mental and behavioral shifts of vegetarianism are: 
  • Incorporating a meatless and or dairy free diet.
  • Reading about vegetarianism's connection to the environment, including global warming. 
  • Becoming more conscious about the ills of the meat industry, and understanding your direct impact on the livelihood and outcomes of animals. 
  • Learning the nutritional components in the foods you eat and don't eat. 
  • Living a more authentically natural lifestyle and using the whole and natural foods that you are bringing into your body as a stimulus for a more natural appearance overall.  
  • Developing a regular exercise regimen.
So back to our core question, will this nutritional app. help you to look and feel like Beyonce? Well, to speak about Beyonce we'd have to also speak about the millions spent on her clothing, hairstyles, exercise regimen etc. to keep her looking in top notch shape for the entertainment business. So if you are going into vegetarianism to look and feel like her or any other person, its likely that your motivation for doing it will be shorted lived because vegetarianism is not simply a quick fad diet but a lifestyle. Beyonce's 22 Day Nutrition app. simply gives you an opportunity to crack the door open to peep in to see what's located on the inside of a vegetarian lifestyle and to see what you would like to support or reject--some of which will be profoundly different from what Beyonce may choose to do. So ordering this app. or choosing not to does not become a matter of looking and feeling like Beyonce, but its really about going through your own maze in life, becoming adventurous, and making moves towards your own personal self-discovery and life fulfillment so you can truly exhibit your best self ever. 

Will you order the 22 Day Challenge? If you've already used it, how has it made you feel? 

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